- All fossil fuels (oil/gas/coal) and other climate-active substances (SF6, HCFPs, etc) are taxed
- The climate tax is levied at the same rate per ton of CO2, EVERYHWERE. Globally.
- The tax is gradually introduced to allow the economy to adjust. The tax starts at U$100/tCO2eq in Year, increasing by U$100 every year to a maximum of U$ 1500/tCO2e by Year 15
- The tax is levied AND redistributed at country level, at the point of emissions (point of sale to the end-consumer, similar to VAT)
- ALL tax revenues are redistributed, completely fiscal neutral
- 50% as cash-back directly to each individual, re-distributed regressively (low-income brackets receive higher cash-back) to balance the temporarily increasing energy bill
- 40% for building renewable energy infrastructure (excluding nuclear, bio-fuels and carbon capture technologies), public transport, and the replacement of fossil-fueld appliances
- 7% for re-forestation, information, R&D, and mitigation
- 3% into a global fund in support of the most affected and the least developed nations
- Agriculture contributes 15-25% of global GHG emissions. Meat and dairy products therefore need to be taxed according to their associated CO2e emissions
- Countries that do not participate in a global climate tax scheme are taxed a flat import tariff of at least 30% on all imports. These tariffs will be redistributed to the population as cash-back.