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Our whole World is drifting apart – economically, politically. Our governace systems are out-dated, inequality is rising, and biodiversity disapperaing. Our World is not sustainable. And what is not sustainable is not competitive. We need to evolve all of our systems:

12 Key Policies for Sustainable Competitiveness

A more sustainable AND more prosperous economy is not an utopia. It can be achieved – technically, not politically – fairly simple:

  1. A global climate tax. Climate change is a gigantic market failure. We need a global climate tax – introduced in phases, paid back to the people in cash and reinvested in a renewable energy infrastructure – to avoid disaster. Now.
  2. More democracy. In the 21st century, it is not possible that individuals decide over whole countries. The people need to be consulted on policy and law changes through mandatory referenda, and the possibility to induce issues on the governing agenda. And – it is not possible that people have to stand in line to vote in   the 21st  century. We can do that from our mobil phones.
  3. Better governance. It’s silly to assign responsibility for an entity as complex a country to a single individual, and winner-takes-it-all-systems allow minorities to govern. Ministries should be assigned according to national voter share, cabinet meetings are chaired by one of the ministers, in turns. No more presidents, prime ministers, or chancellors. The same applies in the corporate World: we don’t need presidents and we don’t need CEOs; we need teams of decision makers.
  4. Real market economy. Markets only work when all costs are incorporated. The environmental costs of substances, materials and processes have to be integrated in the market price – based on a globally agreed level. The taxes generated need to be fiscally neutral (cash-back and/or used to offset the environmental cost).
  5. Quality education for all. We need quality education, equal for all; taxed and re-distributed at the national level so the same resources are available to each student
  6. Working financial markets. We need financial markets that support the real economy, and not vice-versa. This can be achieved through a transaction tax on, and/or a minimal holding periods for all financial instruments.
  7. Health care and social security for all. We need affordable basic health care for all – paid for as percentage of income, directly deducted, with the choice of additional insurance for more luxurious health care.
  8. Impartial and efficient justice system accessible to all. The justice system has to work fast, efficient, accessible to all while minimising abuse. Judges need to be completely impartial, appointed through a process that is safeguarded from any political influence.
  9. Unitary Taxing. We need a global approach to tax multi-national corporations (e.g. by a combination of revenues/employees/sourcing per country), as well as private tax. We need progressive taxes that tax the wealthier more than the poor, and not vice-versa as is currently the case, These are not normal times. A wealth tax on the rich, maybe for a limited time, needs to be seriously considered.
  10. Fact-based, impartial information. We need impartial, science- and fact-based information, not opinions. Financed through taxes, but safe-guarded against any control attempts by governments/politicians. Social media needs to be treated as publications, with the platforms and the posters liable for their content.
  11. Freedom for, and from, religion. Faith is a choice. Science is not. Everybody is free to practice their faith, and nobody has their freedom impaired by other people’s faith We need a total separation of state governance and religion.
  12. Total equality. It is a shame that this has to be mentioned in the 21st century – but we need total equality and protection, especially for women. And also: race, regions, religion, wealth. Everything. Everywhere.

Read more in the Sustainable. Competitive. Report